There was this guy who was engaged to this young lady. They worked together in the same building.

There were rumors circulating around the office that his very attractive female manager wanted to get with him, which she adamantly denies.

The week that the young man was to be married, his manager was walking in the building one day and the bride-to-be was being dropped off by her sisters. As the manager was walking in the building, they stopped their vehicle as if they wanted to start a confrontation with her.

She told the guy what had just went down and she says that he talked to his fiancee about it and to chill out because that was his manager.

A couple of days later, the manager and her employee ended up in the same bar. She was out with her girls and he was out with his friends for his bachelor party. The two groups ended up partying all night together.image

According to her, nothing ever happened between the two. They just had innocent fun.

He texted her the entire night non-stop.

imageThe next day, which was also his wedding day, he began texting his manager at 8:30 in the morning. One of the texts read:

“I can’t walk down this aisle without at least knowing what you taste like or feel like.”

She responded:

“What are you doing, you’re about to get married??”

His response:

“And? I’m not married yet. I wanna see you! Where do you live?”

He sent her similar texts all the way up until and hour and a half before he got married.image

About two weeks later before he returned to work, the two ended up at the same gas station.

He tells her:

“How you gonna let me get married without me knowing you taste like?”image

Two years later, she still receives texts periodically from him late at night asking her whereabouts hoping to run into her and try his luck at getting with her.

FELLAS LISTEN! If you’re not ready to get married, DON’T GET MARRIED!

If you’re not ready to be in a relationship, DON’T BE IN A RELATIONSHIP!

Is it that hard????? smh.image

The struggle continues……

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