To snoop or not snoop…..

  So if you chose the option to look through the phone, I'd like you to respond in the comment section to this question... Whyyyyyyy? If you are looking through his phone, it is obvious that you don't trust him. And isn't that what relationships are supposed to be built on? And let's say you do find something in his phone that isn't so favorable..What are you gonna do with that information? Here's what.....NOTHING. That's right, I said it. You ain't gonna do S**T!!!! lmao You gonna confront him about

Is being the side chick the new norm?

As many fans, myself included, patiently await the return of ABC's hot T.V. drama, Scandal , we have been glued to our screens on Tuesday nights to watch Gabrielle Union on BET's even hotter drama, Being Mary Jane. I can't help but notice the two similarities between Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) and Mary Jane Paul (Gabrielle Union). Both are beautiful, successful, influential women who can't seem to find a man of their own!!!!! Here you have Olivia Pope who knowingly falls in love with a married man and every Thursday

Ask Mr. Dating Struggle: “Am I acting insecure?”

Mr. Dating Struggle, I am seeing a man who I am absolutely crazy about and he adores me as well. He's met my family and we used to hang out often. However, I am beginning to have some concerns because he doesn't take me out as often as he used to and the men he hangs around cheat on their significant others. I've always believed that birds of a feather flock together. I've been hurt and lied to a lot in the past and fear that I just may be

Ask Mr. Dating Struggle: “The man I love has asked for distance”

Dear Mr. Dating Struggle, I need a guy's opinion. I've been seeing a guy since April. We saw each other every day or every other day, I meet his friends and we went on a few dates as well as slept with each other. So naturally the subject of our future would come up and he would tell me that he's not ready for a relationship because his last one ended badly and he still thinks about it. Well...these last two weeks he's asked for distance because we were seeing

Ask Mr. Dating Struggle: “My boyfriend doesn’t spend time with me”

I am dating a man who says he wants to be in a relationship with me but I rarely see or talk to him. Just texts here and there. What is really going on? Dear Miss Confused: You are not his priority in life at the present time. You should want someone that makes you his priority. He basically tells you that he wants a relationship to just keep you around when it is convenient for him. Have a question for Mr. Dating Struggle? Email him at

Ask Mr. Dating Struggle: “I’m being stalked by my boyfriend’s ex”

I am constantly being stalked by my boyfriends' exes? Is he still messing with them or should I stick by his side? Dear Ms. Concerned, In this situation, it can go either way simply because an ex can do and say anything to try to mess up a current situation. Especially, if they still have feelings for that person. Use the Evaluation of Observation Method I speak of in my book. Evaluate your mates actions and body language when asking about the situation. Have a question for Mr. Dating

Ask Mr. Dating Struggle: “I’m dating the ‘non-committer'”

Dear Mr. Dating Struggle, I have been in a casual dating/sexual relationship with a man for four years and he still hasn't committed because he isn't "ready." Should I walk away or just be patient and wait? I've seen situations like mine work out in the end. Dear Miss Hopeful, Why would you expect him to commit when you have already and are still giving him what he wants without cost. Meaning that he is going to continue to not commit as long as you are casually dating and having

Ask Mr. Dating Struggle: Can a man be in love with two women?

Dear Mr. Dating Struggle, I have been seeing a man for a year and half. He tells me he is in love with me. Only one problem, he has a girlfriend of 5 years. Is it possible for him to be in love with two women and how do I walk away from this situation? Dear Ms. Side Piece, It is possible for a man to love several women, but being in love is something totally different. Being "In Love" is from a deeper place of the heart. But ask

INTRODUCING: Ask Mr. Dating Struggle

Ladies, I know it's therapeutic to pour your heart out to your friends about your many dating dilemmas. But the truth is, IT'S LIKE THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND. Everytime we think we have the male species figured out, we are blindsited by something new. Well I have never been one to complain about something without eventually coming up with some kind of resolution. Therefore I introduce to you MR. DATING STRUGGLE. Although this site is dedicated to the humor, and many times frustrating moments that go along with dating,

Dude looks like a lady……

If it walks like a lady, talks like a lady, face like Beyonce, body like J-Lo, and booty like Serena Williams, nine times out of ten, a man is gonna gawk over her. Amiyah Scott, born Arthur Scott. Hard to believe huh? But what if he soon finds out that 'her' was actually a 'him.' One of my Facebook/Instagram friends brought to my attention a (now) young lady by the name of Amiyah Scott, a transgendered female who was born Arthur Scott. He, I mean SHE now lives her

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